Archive for March, 2015

  • Wiggers and their dates enjoy the 2015 Date Night

    Thai Food and Twisting: Mask and Wig Date Night 2015

    Here at the Mask and Wig Club, we take our work seriously. Every year, from January until April, we perform…

  • Scenes from our 2015 Tour to London

    Across the Pond and Back: Planning Wig’s First Overseas Tour

    Tour is a tradition that goes back almost as far as the Club’s inception. The Cast works tirelessly for nine…

  • Wiggers keep the fun going in social events

    Wig’s Role at the Social Ivy

    When we are not in class, studying, or working tirelessly to put on consistently high-caliber productions, Mask and Wig likes…

  • Academics are an important part of the Mask and Wig experience

    Majoring in Mask and Wig: Reflections on Academics

    Within our company, we all like to say that we come to Penn just to major in Mask and Wig.…
